

Department Description

Social Welfare  Department  is running different  Scheme in District Bandipora.


S No. Scheme Name Scheme Description Link to apply for the Scheme No. of Beneficiaries  availed the scheme
 1.  National Social Assistance Programme ( NSAP)

A, Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS}

B, Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS}

C, Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)

D,National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS}

The National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) is a welfare programme being administered by the Ministry of Rural Development. This programme is being implemented in rural areas as well as urban areas. NSAP represents a significant step towards the fulfilment of the Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Constitution of India which enjoin upon the State to undertake within its means a number of welfare measures. These are intended to secure for the citizens adequate means of livelihood, raise the standard of living, improve public health, provide free and compulsory education for children etc.
2. Integrated Social Security Scheme {ISSS)

A, Women in Distress

B, Old Age Pension.

C, Pension for Physically Challenged Persons.

This is a State Sponsored Scheme where under financial
assistance is being provided to Old Age, Widow, Divorcee,
Women in distress and Physically Handicapped Persons. The
scheme is funded through Plan and Non Plan on the basis of
50:50 sharing pattern.
3. Contributory Social Security Scheme (CSSS) With the aim to provide social security to the marginal workers having meager income the department has formulated this scheme to provide financial support on contributory basis. Marginal workers include Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Labourer, Rural Barber, Craftsman, Blacksmith, Shepherd, Masons, Weavers etc. offline
4. Scholarship National Scholarships Portal is one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. National Scholarships Portal is taken as Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)
5. Grant of Prosthetic Aid for Physically Challenged Persons Providing of Motorized Tricycles  Wheel Chairs, hearing Aids, Tricycle Crutch and Sticks offline
6. Social Welfare Centers Department to impart training to unemployed and less education rural women in the age group of 15 to 35 years in various crafts so that they can ter become self dependent and are able to earn their livelihood. Are being imparted training in various trades like cutting & tailoring, knitting, embroidery ectc . A stipned of Rs 100 is paid (PM) for 11 months. offline
7. Residential Homes for Orphans (Bal- Ashram) Bal-Ashram (MFI) are the residential Home

Or being run by the Department to provide shelter and protection to destitute, deprived, socially marginalized boys who have been orphaned. The Department provides free boarding and lodging in the shap of diet, bedding, clothing, medicine, stationary etc. to the inmates

8. National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) offline
9. Rehabilitation Council Scheme of pension for Old Age Parents, Widows, and Orphans of Militancy Affected offline
10. Other Scholarship Schemes Scholarships for the stuidents belonging to SC , OBC, EBC, DNT



Panchayat Details

Name of the Panchayat Employee posted in panchayat Beneficiaries availed schemes in Panchayat  Best Practices in Panchayat
Aloosa A Tahir Mohiuddin Mir (Jr Assistant)

Contact No:- 7006741492

173 Total

39 Old Age Pension

27 Physically Challenged Person

28 WID




Aloosa A

DSWO Bandipora Organized an assessment camp to the persons with disability at Aloosa A panchayat.
Ajas A Total: 626

Ajas A

Ajas B Total 91

Ajas B

Ajas C Total: 196

Ajas C

Ajas D Total: 101

Ajas D

Ajas E Total: 12

Ajas E

Asham A Total: 322

Asham A

Asham B Total : 108

Asham B

Baharabad A Total : 298

Baharabad A

Baharabad B Total : 209

Baharabad B

Chewa Total : 255


Chindergeer Total: 226


Dangerpora Total: 265


Gadkhud Total: 371


Ganastan A Total: 273

Ganastan A

Ganastan B Total : 67

Ganastan B

Gundi Jahangeer Total : 142

Gund Jahangeer

Gund Nowgam Total: 254

Gund Nowgam

Gundi preng Total : 167

Gundi Preng

Gundiboon Total : 110


Gundikhalil Total : 144


Hakabara A Total : 216

Hakbara A

Hakabara B Total: 60

Hakbara B

Kawpora Total: 31


Madwan Total: 198


Markundal Total: 180


Naidkhai A Total: 371

Nahidkhai A

Naidkhai B Total: 50

Nahidkahi B

Naidkhai C Total: 42

Nahidkhai C

Naidkhai D Total: 41

Nahidkahi D


District social welfare officer