Department of Health and Family Welfare is aimed at bringing about dramatic improvement in the health system and the Health status of people especially those living in rural areas of the country . It seeks to provide access to equitable , affordable and quality health care , reduction of IMR and MMR, population stabilization and gender and demographic balance which in turn help in achieving goals . Department Mission is on empowering people through effective mechanism of NRHM, Rogi kalyan Samiti etc . Decentralized planning and implementation , strengthening of physical infrastructure and ensuring fully functional facilities at the doorsteps of the people not withstanding odds of topography and situational constraints.
In district bandipora,health department has several services which includes Special Newborn Care Units (SCNU),Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics(AFHCs),Intensified Diarrhoea Control Forthnight(IDCF).In addition to this,various programmes are held at district like Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram,Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme,National Leprosy Eradication Program,National Program for prevention and control of Cancer ,Diebetes,Cardio-Vascular Disease and Stroke(NPCDCS),Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program(RNTCP),National Mental Health Programme,Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan,Ayushmann Bharat(National Health Protection Mission).
Name of Official | Designation | Phone no. |
Dr. Rafi Ahmad Salati | Chief Medical Officer Bandipora | 01957225551 |
Dr. Nisar Ahmad | Dy. Chief Medical Officer Bandipora | 7051503930 |